Woww... It's been a while since my last blog post. I'm 9 months pregnant now. Just got back from medical check up with Dr Hamidah, my lovely and beautiful O&G specialist in Putrajaya Hospital. Today my darling Razi accompany me, so tak de la boring sangat. We played soduku while waiting our turn.
After few hours, then my name is called. ( luckily i have already had my lunch).
After greeting each other, she asked me to lie on the bed. She checked my cervix, and told me that it still wasn't dilated. Erm...bila lah nak bukak nie..
We also had a discussion on whats my plan for pain management during labor, whether im going to take epidural or not soon. After attending the prenatal classes, Im definitely go for epidural. hehe... In putrajaya hospital, the epidural is only available during office hour, so the doctor has adviced if i wished to take epidural, she asked me to pray not to get labor after office hour. Mengarut jugak lah dengar... I mean, how can we tell when labor begins.
Me and hubby keep a straight face for a second, and i suddenly started to imagine im squatting and screaming all the way down in the labor room. Well, different people have different pain thresholds. I just cant imagine what pain I will experience because it's a pain that we just can't localize. Ya Allah, may you help me go thru all this. Amin.
anyway, here's some info I got from the internet about the epidural.
* Epidural is often the most popular form of pain relief for labor, are given through a catheter into your spine. This deadens the nerves, temporarily, from your waist down to your toes.
o Pros: You will be alert and awake during the labor. An epidural will not make you feel tired or groggy. The effectiveness of an epidural is very good. Most times, it works quite well and eliminates all the pain you were feeling.
o Cons: You will probably not be able to move your body from your hips down to your toes, which can leave you quite uncomfortable and frustrated if you are in for a long labor. There is a risk from the anesthesia for both mother and baby, although very small. The mom could experience a drop in blood pressure. An epidural may lead to fetal distress, fetal malposition, increase the use of forceps or vacuum extraction, episiotomy, and perhaps incur a C-section.
And here's the update of my check up.
Baby weight = 3.4 kg
My weight = 70 kg
Blood Pressure = 124/77
Baby movement = good
Mother's condition = good
According to my gynae, I will be due on 16 July... so 13 more days to go! Wish me luck guys
Cant wait too my darl.. i luv u..
Dyna, u look gorgeous as ever.. :) congrates and all the best!!
Your husband is yummy...:)
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