It was friday nite of August 16, me and Razi had invited my parent, atok peah, pak leman and wife, maklong and pak long from JB for dinner. They were surprised to see my look and my big bump, at the same time they also couldn’t wait any longer for this baby to come out. Same goes for me and Razi. :) Well, Razi has helped me alot in the process. He has became my personal training coach few weeks back. We've been jogged (bukan berlari la, just jalan laju2) alot after work. Its not fun at all as i really hate 'JOGGING', but since its good for me and the baby,...I pushed myself to love it.
So that nite, after finished family dinner, I suddenly felt the pain. It feels exactly like period pain. Atok peah helped to calm me down by doing some jampi over my head down to my tummy. Unfortunately, few minutes later, the pain getting worst. Maybe its what it called as braxton hicks contractions, I thought.
I barely got any sleep that night. I just watched Razi sleeping, and hug him as though as it was my last nite."Is this real thing?" I started to feel terrified and nervous. I kept on reciting ayatul kursi. And the next day, after subuh prayer, I felt very, very uncomfortable with my tummy. Constantly hurting, and its like a strange stomach pain. I checked my panty, and there it goes.... DARAH!!!...Ooohhh Mmyyy God!!! guess its just about time.... am i ready? errrr gosh... I took a deep breath and waked razi up.
"Awwak, saya rase saya dah nak beranak la! Dah keluar darah ni"
Razi quickly get out of the bed. He looked panic, but at the same time he tried to calm me down. He then grabbed baby's beg and mine and off we rushed to Putrajaya Hospital. Before that, me sempat jugaklah minta ampun dengan parent, atok peah, smua. My mom cried, guess she's nervous too. Ya Allah, slamat kan hamba mu dan baby dalam kandunganku ini. Amin
So, the next day on 17th July 2010
7.00am - reached Wad Bersalin @ Hospital Putrajaya.
7.30am - checked urine, checked weight (i was 71kg), checked for dilation (already 2.5 cm)
8.30am - monitor baby's heart beat and movement using CTG (this is the most boring part)
10.30am - went for breakfast with razi and fakhry and this is when the constractions begins and totally changed my mood. Very SAKIT! :(
11.45am - admitted at wad 5 room 12
4.00pm - 4 cm dilated and was sent to labor room
10.15pm - ZARA DELISHA is out!! fuh, finally :)
and YES, i dint take the epidural! (the reason is because it was weekend - no working hour). As bad as it hurt I just grinned. But without my Razi support, i wouldnt be that strong. Almost 7 hours tu dalam labor room... I love u darling, U're just the best husband in the world!!! Thank you for always being there for me.
So my advice to mums-to-be, if u started feeling pain or uncomfortable with your tummy non-stop, it might be the sign. Plus, banyak2 la berjalan. I think it really, really helps!
As for me, overall, it was a wonderful experience, scared of course, but it was joy afterwards, Alhamdulillah, all went well...and what's important zara delisha is very healthy and beautiful. What a miracle! God bless us all...
My lil' pumpkin, ZARA DELISHA