Well, yeah honestly, initially we're not really sure if our parents are ready for this big decision...hehe...but we took chances. The main reason why Razi decided to talk about this on a more serious note is that he is getting busy with his job as a nuclear pharmacist. He's getting tight with his shift schedule which happened to be almost everyday even on our "Special" day (etc, birthday, anniversary, ), he was also selected by the hospital he's working to go for the nuclear training in Australia last year. Well, sometimes I did getting annoyed with his buziness even if I know its for his future career...Anyway, it was really a tough time, and we're almost giving up on this relationship until one day he decided to set a date for our wedding and prepare for it for real, just to have all of our time with each other.
He started it by telling it to his parents. The first reaction of course was like "Serius ker nie?", and then the first question was "Bila?". We havent talked about the exact date yet at that time, but we are choosing from June or October this year.
And then I told my parents about it too, same reactions and questions as well. Hehe.. Few days later, it started with parent to parent talk. It was so scary, and at the same time I cant stop thinking whether I am ready to settle down and be someones' wife. Definitely, there will be No more "manja² with my parent, and no more shouting² at my brothers. It's just about time to let go the 'babyish side of me... :P
Well, let stop talking about that and love thingy. I would like to take a chance here to say a "BIG THANK YOU" to my bosses (En Affandi, Hj Zahari abu Bakar, En Aznir, En Meer Khan) who come all over from Kuala Lumpur to Pahang just to attend my wedding. That was a BIG suprised, guys!!! Thanks to my MEPS collegues, Fizal, Wan, DYNAFRONT collegues, waverly, kar loon, abner, rayner, zairy, sereen & Yen Fai, KKChong & wife, also to my close friends, masfirah, ninie, elly, saiful azmi, wan nadia, sharlyn, linda and my bFF, ROSMANJA, FAHERYNA, NORZARINA!!! (teringat time kite berinai ramai-ramai malam tu...rugi tak amik gambar kan... **sob sob**)
Also, I would like to say thank you so much for all of your thoughtful wedding presents. Appreciate it alot!!.. Best gila bukak hadiah yang banyak giler ok... :)paling banyak dalam sejarah hidupku... hehe... Thank you, thank you, thank you so much...............
Dina Wahid
Ur wedding was great!!!..happening giler..mmg best..alhamdulilah semuanyer berjalan lancar kan...tpkan seriusly penat giler..tp nasib baik ryna drive..xderlah terasa sgt..leh tahan minah tuh bwk keter..huhuhu..mlm tu pun tido aderlah dlm 3 jam jer...pg2 dh kena bgn..huhuu...semuanya gara-gara mengatai nak pkai inai..hahaha...klu mak awk xtegur mau kita org xtido ari tuh...hehehe..oklah wish u happily ever after..eh, nanti anak awkkan aper kter untuk BFF ader special name cth nyer..sy mama zarina, mama rose n mama ryna..ok tak??sper setuju angkat kaki..hehehe
wow...KARAMBA SENORITA, MAMA mia!!! ceh tetiba je...ok gak tu...hehe..Anyway,Thank you so much Zaryna...seriously kalau takde ah u all bertiga...takde ah semeriah tu majlisnya...alhamdullillah...dah settle dah smua...jgn lupa ahad nie @ bangkok Jazz... kita berdansa bersama² (gediksss)
sori tak dpt dtg..congrats!
wishing u happily ever after with ur hubby forever ,,,amin~
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