Another activity organized by KKMEPS. Watch a movie together with my fellow colleagues. So last weekend, I have spent with them watching 'Race to Witch Mountain' starring Dwayne Johnson (The Rock). It was a fun movie to watch. I went with Ira to Cineleisure, Damansara. We reached there about 10am. There's a lot of MEPS members queueing at the counter to register. Some of them bring along their family members. The movie started at 10.30 am. In the cinema hall, Risal already booked a perfect place for us. The last row of course. :)

At the beginning, I tot of just skip this activity, but since we're told that it will contribute a small percentage of our KPIs, I joined. Some more the tickets and food are all sponsored. ;-p
After the movie, we went to mamak restaurant for lunch.
Later that nite, I lepak at Razi's house and when dinner time, me and his family went to Kajang to eat Satay....
nearly sesat on d way to kajang coz somebody wasnt familiar with d road.. luckily ade tourist guide kat sebelah.. but.. sosat la jugak.. hehe
'somebody' refer to razi
'tourist guide' refer to me...hehe
correction ye... mana ada sesat... driver tu yg laju sgt drive sampai terbabas simpang
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