Last weekend (07 March 2009), me and Razi attended the Pre-matrimony Course at Pusat Kursus Kahwin BTS (Bandar Tasik Selatan) MANAGEMENT. Actually we have planned for quite some time after Razi came back from Aussie, but time passed so fast that it all felt like a 'sudden' action. To rose, saya minta maaf sekali lagi la kay sebab tak dapat nak buat sama2 (time awak balik kampung)... Saya kalau nak tunggu Razi free, mmg susah skit la maklum la Razi kan keje shift. :) Tak kan nak pergi sendiri tak syok ah kan... awak sure nak buat dgn john gak kan... to Ryna plak, yes i would advice you to go with your future husband someday in future. Lebih afdal sbb dua2 pihak dpt dgr and dpt belajar sama2.
Anyhow, alhamdullillah the course was all completed and done. There were numbers of facilitators from JAWI, JAIS, IJN. We have been stressed out few topics. Some on marriage procedures in Malaysia, health management, and the basis and foundation of Islam and a marriage.
We cant stop laughing and it wasnt boring at all. This 2 days course has made my goal become much clearer and taught me on how to be a good wife, a good mother soon. INSYALLAH :) And as for the food, it was suprisingly good, kan Razi? (Sebab lapar kot..)
Overall, it was a very positive experience for me and Razi. Im so happy to have a fiancee who loves me, cares bout me, and accept me for who i am. No words to express how grateful I am. Thank you
Allah... We hope for more positive things to happen before and after our marriage. INSYALLAH.... amin...